I'll just take a moment to feature a few of my favourite LabVIEW/T&M Blogs that I now regularly peruse:
http://thinkinging.com/ - Written by Jim Kring, Jim is regurlarly offering wisdom and sound advice on his blog. Jim has innovation written all over him, pushing the boundaries of LabVIEW development, especially the Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) side of things.
http://anengineeringmind.blogspot.com/ - Todd, from NI, provides a humourous video blog of the life and challenges of an engineer, and how engineers seem to differ from the rest of the world. Not really much about LabVIEW, but most engineers will be able to relate to his little anecdotes.
http://labviewartisan.blogspot.com/ - D Natt from NI writes a thorough blog on a variety of topics, from LabVIEW tips, to certification. A very handy resource indeed.
http://forums.lavag.org/blog/champions/index.php? - Chris Relf (from Australia!) writes some very good articles here at the LabVIEW Champions' Blog. Great reading.
http://labviewgeek.blogspot.com/ - A new blog pushing the case for Object Oriented Programming.
Want more? Then check out:
- http://eyesonvis.blogspot.com/
- http://labviewinsights.blogspot.com/
- http://vishots.com/
- http://ideasinwiring.blogspot.com/
- http://expressionflow.com/
- http://bress-paper-chase.blogspot.com/
Still want more? Go here: http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/4574